Filter cartons / Filter plates

These are deep filter materials that aim to separate solid particles from liquids. The manufacturing technology ensures a superior retention capacity at a high flow rate. The retention capacity of the plates is the minimum size of the retained particles. In the filtration process, the solid particles are slowed down and retained inside the filter plate. Depending on the needs of each filtration, one of the filter plates listed in this category can be used.

Advantages over traditional filter plates are:

  • superior efficiency, ensuring a special quality of the filtered product;
  • longer service life defined by a higher total volume of filtered product up to the stage of clogging the plates;
  • advanced purity, due to the polyethylene fibers in their composition that do not change the olfactory-gustatory properties or the color of the filtered product;
  • easy handling due to the texture of the plates.
Product filtering
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Product filtering
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